Dr. Albert Amoah Saah

Part Time Lecturer

Dept: Sociology and Social Work
#1, SF E10, Top floor CCB,
T. Owusu Ansah Complex
Faculty Area
KNUST, Kumasi

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Research Areas/Interests

Research interests and focus for 2019-2020 include Gender, Social Work Education, Social Worker professional development, and International Social Wor...~more

Reflective Question #2: What Are the Sources of Employability Profiles That Are Available To the Students At Your Department and Your University? If None Are Available, How Can It Be Implemented in the Department and University Level?

Session 3—Teaching and learning for employability: knowledge is not the only outcome


Reflective Question #2

What are the sources of employability profiles that are available to the students at your department and your university? If none are available, how can it be implemented in the department and university level?



Elements of employability profiles do exist in KNUST documents and teaching practice but not in clear terms. Document analysis and some example survey evidenced this. In Table 1, the Sources of Employability profiles, availability, and implementation at department and university level have been considered.


Sources of employability profiles

Available to students

How to Develop and implement



Department level

University level

  1. Literature document (print and electronic)

Student Employability Profiles (SEP) not observed

SEP not observed

  • Program guide
  • Course guide
  • Curriculum and course policy (or description) for various disciplines
  • Responsible: Head of the department as well as subject matter specialism teams
  • Quality assurance and planning Unit (QAPU) under VC office
  • Institute of Educational Studies (IEA)
  • Component for Staff assessment promotion in Teaching and facilitating learning
  • Employability integration policy for various disciplines
  • School of Graduate Studies
  1. Practice activity
  • not mandatory: Left to lecturer’s teaching style and strategy
  • Assumed: expected or but not inspected
  • More of personal responsibility and experience

SEP not observed

  • Lesson plan: units, objectives, content, activities, and evaluation
  • Course delivery
  • Peer & specialist technical support may be required
  • Alumni Association seminars
  • Employability integration plan of action
  • Students Representative council to be involved the strategy development for various disciplines
  1. Evaluation process (print)
  • Project work, practicum assessment
  • Score sheet
  • Examiners (internal and external) report
  • Project work, practicum, and theses assessment
  • Score sheet
  • Examiners (internal and external) report
  • Rubrics applied in assessments (continuous assessments, and end of semester exams, project work oral and written examination)
  • Industry and Professional Associations for various disciplines and employers or employments
  • graduate recruitment and admission: SEP evidence in statement of motivation and Reference


In concluding, participatory approaches will help galvanize all stakeholders for a successful implementation of employability profiles also at the national level involving the Ministry of Education, National Accreditation Board (NAB) and the nation council for tertiary education (NCTE). Examples of SEP of UK Universities and Industries, and other are worth noting for further discussion.


Learner: Albert Amoah Saah, KNUST Ghana, 2/25/2019

Facilitator: Gunaratna Kuttuva Rajarao, KTH Sweden

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