Research in Ghanaian Universities: An Examination of Policies, Practices and Funding at the University of Science and Technology (UST) Kumasi, Ghana.

  • E.G.S Azumah
Keywords: Research, Policies, practices, Funding, Research and Conference Committee, University of Science and Technology (UST), Kumasi


Generally, Ghanaian Universities face problems of funding in their research efforts. At the University of Science and Technology (U.S.T.), Kumasi, the Research and Conference Committee (RCC) is responsible for the administration of funds that are allocated to the University for research, and it faces problems when it comes to the disbursement of the funds, because they are meagre. To enable it judiciously administer the funds, the RCC formulates rules, some of which appear rigorous, to guide it. The funds administered by the RCC are mainly for attendance at Conferences/Seminars, African Travel Grant for research purposes, individual research and for participation in academic activities at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (I.C.T.P.); Trieste, Italy. Postgraduate students at UST also conduct research of a kind at one time or the other; a condition for obtaining a postgraduate qualification. Funding of their research projects is so low that it makes the programmes unattractive. The recommendations stated in this paper will help strengthen the research efforts at UST and other Ghanaian Universities.

How to Cite
Azumah, E. (2016). Research in Ghanaian Universities: An Examination of Policies, Practices and Funding at the University of Science and Technology (UST) Kumasi, Ghana . Journal of Science and Technology, 14(1).