Burnout Correlations for Even-and Odd-Numbered Peripheral Rod Clusters over Low Pressure Range

  • E.H.K. Akaho


Burnout data with low pressure Freon -113 for even-and odd-numbered peripheral rod clusters with relatively large spacings were used to derive equations in terms of dimensionless parameters suggested by Barnett. The equations which are for three different flow regimes for each rod geometry (even or odd) were found to predict burnout data with maximum RMS deviation being 3.8%

How to Cite
Akaho, E. (2016). Burnout Correlations for Even-and Odd-Numbered Peripheral Rod Clusters over Low Pressure Range. Journal of Science and Technology, 15(2 & 3). https://doi.org/10.4314/just.v15i2 & 3.946