A Computer Modelled Nuclear Design of a Subcritical Assembly Driven by Isotopic Neutron Sources

  • B.T. Maaku
  • E.H.K Akaho
Keywords: Diffusion Equation, Neutronic Calculations, Subcritical Assembly, Thermal Neutron Fluxes


A computer code SUNDES, which solves the one-dimensional multi-group neutron diffusion equation, was developed and used to provide a conceptual nuclear design of a facility. The device is capable of producing high thermal neutron fluxes using isotopic neutron sources in a multiplying medium. The neutronic calculations show that thermal neutron fluxes > 1 x 107n/cm2 -s could be produced making suitable for neutron activation analysis (NAA) and for reactor physics experiments. The analysis also revealed that different thermal neutron fluxes could be produced depending on the strength of a driving isotopic neutron sources.

How to Cite
Maaku, B., & Akaho, E. (2016). A Computer Modelled Nuclear Design of a Subcritical Assembly Driven by Isotopic Neutron Sources. Journal of Science and Technology, 15(2 & 3). https://doi.org/10.4314/just.v15i2 & 3.945