Methods of Controlling Aflatoxins in Foods and Feedstuffs: An Update

  • W.O. Ellis
  • J.H. Oldham
  • J.P. Smith
  • B.K Simpson
Keywords: Aflatoxins, Mycotoxins, A. flavus, A. parasiticus, Chitosan


Aflatoxins are mycotoxins produced by species of Aspergilli, specifically Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus. These molds are ubiquitous in nature due to the susceptibility of most organic mailer to support their growth and aflatoxin pro-duction. Aflatoxins are of great concern worldwide due to their biochemical and biological effects on living organisms. In this article, the various methods of controlling aflatoxins and their limitations, including the novel techniques of active atmosphere modification are reviewed. Future areas of potential research involving the use of natural antimicrobial agents which would be of immense advantage to developing countries such as Ghana are also discussed.

How to Cite
Ellis, W., Oldham, J., Smith, J., & Simpson, B. (2016). Methods of Controlling Aflatoxins in Foods and Feedstuffs: An Update . Journal of Science and Technology, 16(1 & 2). & 2.915