Nutrient Composition Insect Pests and Microbial Population in Rice Bran Samples from some Mills in Kumasi and its Environs

  • D.B. Okai
  • E.K.D. Nyannor
  • I. Tandoh
Keywords: Rice Bran, Nutrient composition, Rice huller/polisher, Microorganisms, Insects


No experiments were conducted to determine the nutrient composition, insect pests numbers and microbial population in rice bran (RB). Samples from ten different mills in Kumasi. Abuakwa, Mfensi, Koforidua and Akropong all in the Ashanti Region, were analysed for the presence of microorganisms and insects and for their proximate components as well as ADF, NDF and Hemicellulose contents. Questionnaires were administered at each mill to determine inter also the source of paddy rice, the type and age of rice milling machines, the level of experience of rice mills' operators and the average quantity of paddy rice milled daily. The study indicated that five of the mills were made locally (Magazine # 7); three were imported from Japan (Satake rice mill), and two from China (Dalichi rice mill). The mean % DM, CP EE, CE Ash and NFE ranged between 93.97-95.57, 5.23-9.74, 4.78-10.20, 14.06-21.83, 9.16-17.77 and 44,96-53.84, respectively. The % ADF, NDF and hemicellulose were between 28.45-41.64, 37,93-55.09 and 5.98-14.57, respectively. E. coli, Staphylococcus spp. and Proteus spp. were present in all the ten samples with average bacteria count ranging from 1.06 x 10' to 8. 03 x 106cfit per gram. However, only one of the samples showed the presence of an insect; four adults and 3 larvae of Tribolium spp were found per 1Og of the sample. Aspergillus spp. and Rhizopus spp, were also present in all the samples. The RB samples from the imported rice mills had better (p<0.05) nutrient composition in terms of CP EE, and NFE and were lower (p<0.05) in Ash and CF contents. The study revealed that the variability in nutrient composition of the various RB samples could be due to the type of rice huller/polisher, its age and the extent of adulteration of the RB with rice hulls.

How to Cite
Okai, D., Nyannor, E., & Tandoh, I. (2016). Nutrient Composition Insect Pests and Microbial Population in Rice Bran Samples from some Mills in Kumasi and its Environs . Journal of Science and Technology, 23(1).

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