Effect of Sunlight, Transport and Storage Vessels on Drinking Water Quality in Rural. Ghana

  • K. Obiri-Danso
  • E. Amevor
  • L.A. Andoh
  • K. Jones
Keywords: Water Quality, Sunlight, Vessels, Aluminum, Plastic, Iron, Earthenware Pot, Microbial Indicators


The objective was to evaluate the effort of sunlight. transport and storage onsets on drinking water vitality in rand Ghana with the aim of sedating the high demand for fuel wood in the household treatment 4 water. Well water was exposed for to direct natural fanlight in aluminum, iron and plastic receptacles and bisque fired earthenware pats (pot and cooler) and then placed indoors at room temperature for 48h. Samples were also stored continuously indoors at room temperature for 20 days. Water sample exposed to sunlight sine analyzed for total and faecal coliforms and enterococci at 2h intervals and those stored indoors it rains, temperature at 48h intervals. Enterococci die-off was total die-off was 100% after 6h sunlight and after 19h at room temperature in all kora of Garage teasel., fatal and faecal coliforms die-off ranged between 43.91%. after 6h in sunlight and 51- 1041% after 480h at room temperature. 4fierabial die-off in sunlight was higher in aluminum, and plastic insets compound to earthenware tenets although the differences were not statistically significant (p<0.5), As there were no  enterococcal regrowth when sunlight repined oyster sampler were transferred to rant temperature for 48k the enterismor were taken to be dead five of storage reads, signing. awl relationships were found between indicator die-off and time of sunlight (R=0.8606-0.9969) Exposure to sunlight in Ghana improves the microbial quality of water compared with storage at room temperature indoors. Solar pater divinfertion. if priaai.al in rand Ghana. could improve drinking muter quality and reduce the need for fuel wood for bailing issuer

How to Cite
Obiri-Danso, K., Amevor, E., Andoh, L., & Jones, K. (2016). Effect of Sunlight, Transport and Storage Vessels on Drinking Water Quality in Rural. Ghana . Journal of Science and Technology, 24(2). https://doi.org/10.4314/just.v24i2.768