Participation of Women in Local Governance in Ghana: A Case Study of Ashanti Region

  • T.Y. Baa-Ennumh
  • S.E. Owusu
  • J.Y. Kokor
Keywords: Gender, Local Government, Representation, Participation


Active involvement of women in steering and directing public affairs, including development activities, especially at the local levels is critical to the successful implementation of the Ghana Poverty Reduction Strategy (GPRS). The paper evaluates the extent to which this is happening at the district assembly levels in Ghana with a focus on Ashanti Region. General data and analysis of women\'s involvement in local governance in Ghana are presented as background to a more detailed study of two selected districts in Ashanti Region. Results of the national, regional and micro-level analysis indicate that broad-based participation of women in community development and governance are still lacking, in comparison with the size of their numbers. This is despite the fact that there is increasing effort to ensure that this happens. In the light of the above, a way forward is suggested.

How to Cite
Baa-Ennumh, T., Owusu, S., & Kokor, J. (2016). Participation of Women in Local Governance in Ghana: A Case Study of Ashanti Region. Journal of Science and Technology, 25(1).