Population Dynamics of the East African Sleeping Sickness

  • D. Okuonghae
  • J. Okuonghae
Keywords: Mathematical model, Steady state, Trypanosomiasis, Threshold conditions


Mathematical models of the East African sleeping sickness epidemiology are presented. This paper is aimed at modelling the dynamics of the disease as it affects the human and domestic animal populations. The mathematical model is extended to include the contact rate of the tsetse flies with the wild park animals that serve as the reservoir for the parasite that causes this disease. Steady states for the models are also presented as well as possible control strategy for the disease. Threshold conditions for the disease free equilibrium are presented for both models.

How to Cite
Okuonghae, D., & Okuonghae, J. (2016). Population Dynamics of the East African Sleeping Sickness. Journal of Science and Technology, 26(3). https://doi.org/10.4314/just.v26i3.687