Virtual Reality: A Tool for Cartographic Visualization

  • J.A. Quaye-Ballard
Keywords: Visualization, Virtual reality, Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML), Cartography


Visualization methods in the analysis of geographical datasets are based on static models, which restrict the visual analysis capabilities. The use of virtual reality, which is a three-dimensional (3D) perspective, gives the user the ability to change viewpoints and models dynamically overcomes the static limitations of two-dimensional (2D) views. Based on this, the paper highlights the importance, characteristic and classification of Virtual Reality as a tool in data visualization. The paper also outlines real life applications of Virtual Reality as a means of visualization. The distinction between Virtual Reality and Cartography is also presented. This paper also attempts to outline the Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML), which is a scene description language for developing Virtual Reality.

How to Cite
Quaye-Ballard, J. (2016). Virtual Reality: A Tool for Cartographic Visualization. Journal of Science and Technology, 28(1).