A Historian of World Society: A Study of the Historian Eric Hobsbawm and a Critique of His Age of Capital

  • V. Dodoo
Keywords: World history, World society, Capital, Working class


Professor Eric Hobsbawm may be described as a professional Marxist historian. The subjects he writes about include labour, artisans, peasants and the working class or, in short, the “forgotten majority” in the society. He regards himself as a historian of society and he practises dynamic history which is the interpretation of society with a view to changing it for the better. He has suggested that the pre-condition for history must be the existence of a total unit or system and has, accordingly, argued that world history – which he has undertaken in Age of Capital is only possible after 1848 when it became possible to think of the world as one unified economy.

How to Cite
Dodoo, V. (2016). A Historian of World Society: A Study of the Historian Eric Hobsbawm and a Critique of His Age of Capital. Journal of Science and Technology, 28(2). https://doi.org/10.4314/just.v28i2.608