Anthropometry Survey of Nigeria Paraplegics

  • S.P. Ayodeji
  • S.B. Adejuyigbe
  • A.K. Abiola-Ogedengbe
Keywords: Anthropometry, Paraplegics, Survey, Nigeria


Measurements of body features and other physical parameters of the human body were taken by the authors of Nigeria paraplegics. Several anthropometric measurements, both static and dynamic categories were taken ranging from height, forward reach to Mid Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC). Data collected were analyzed using percentile basis for the 5th, 50th and 95th percentile. The result of this survey as presented will serve as a guide and provide anthropometric databank for designers of utilities, workspace and equipments for Nigeria paraplegics.

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RSS1 logo     Journal Home > Vol 28, No 3 (2008) >  Anthropometry Survey of Nigeria Paraplegics SP Ayodeji, SB Adejuyigbe, AK Abiola-Ogedengbe

Measurements of body features and other physical parameters of the human body were taken by the authors of Nigeria paraplegics. Several anthropometric measurements, both static and dynamic categories were taken ranging from height, forward reach to Mid Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC). Data collected were analyzed using percentile basis for the 5th, 50th and 95th percentile. The result of this survey as presented will serve as a guide and provide anthropometric databank for designers of utilities, workspace and equipments for Nigeria paraplegics.Measurements of body features and other physical parameters of the human body were taken by the authors of Nigeria paraplegics. Several anthropometric measurements, both static and dynamic categories were taken ranging from height, forward reach to Mid Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC). Data collected were analyzed using percentile basis for the 5th, 50th and 95th percentile. The result of this survey as presented will serve as a guide and provide anthropometric databank for designers of utilities, workspace and equipments for Nigeria paraplegics.
How to Cite
Ayodeji, S., Adejuyigbe, S., & Abiola-Ogedengbe, A. (2016). Anthropometry Survey of Nigeria Paraplegics. Journal of Science and Technology, 28(3).