Kinematic design of lift-tipping mechanism for small solid waste collection truck

  • Y.A.K Fiagbe et al


A number of small waste collection trucks such as tricycles are in use in a number of developing countries. The use of such technology has been popular in a country like Ghana. This paper presents a design of lift-tipping mechanism for small solid waste collection trucks. A five bar mechanism is developed with one degree of freedom. The mechanism is modelled and tested using Solid Edge software. Results of the system show that a height of 70% of the length of the lifting bar can be attained and a tilt angle more than 40o could be achieved. The actuation of the mechanism could be achieved by employing power screw, hydraulic or pneumatic actuators, and rack and pinion combinations. This mechanism will improve the operation of the collection truck.
How to Cite
Fiagbe et al, Y. (2016). Kinematic design of lift-tipping mechanism for small solid waste collection truck. Journal of Science and Technology, 31(2).