Access to healthcare services by the mobility impaired: Structural obstacles and experiences in Tamale, Northern Ghana

  • Justice Kufour Owusu-Ansah Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
  • James A. Akanig-ba Kumbungu Senior High School
Keywords: Access barriers, disability rights, built environment, healthcare, Ghana


Improved health promotes socio-economic mobility, and in turn, attenuates predispositions to illnesses that culminate in impairments. This research investigated access to health facilities by persons with mobility impairments through physical audits using universal design principles as indicators. Subsequently, a survey and interviews were conducted with persons with mobility impairments to explore their spatial experiences with respect to transportation, movements, ac-cess and utilization. The results suggest that, despite the passage of the Disability Act (715) near-ly 15 years ago, the mobility impaired still encounter multiple physical and psychological barri-ers which impede access and utilization of health facilities with wide-ranging implications. These outcomes, reflect not only the lack offunding for retrofitting, but largely ingrained socie-tal perceptions about disability which invariably feed into policy in the production of public spaces. The research calls for a deeper introspection through disability awareness and educa-tional campaigns, an integrated approach to health policy and spatial planning, a review of the Disability Act to address its weaknesses and the passage of subsidiary legislations to spell out the rights, obligations and liabilities of health providers and built environment professionals.

Author Biographies

Justice Kufour Owusu-Ansah , Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

Justice Kufour Owusu-Ansah is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Planning at KNUST, Kumasi. He
has a Master of Urban and Regional Planning (MURP) degree from Ball State University, United
States, a PhD in Architecture and Planning from The University of Melbourne, Australia and a Postgraduate Diploma from the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, Rotterdam. He worked as a Senior Tutor for three years and joined the Department of Planning, KNUST in May 2009 where he held the position of Director of Postgraduate Programs between 2012 and 2016. His publications have centered on spatial analyses and land use planning, housing, infrastructure planning and lately socio-spatial inclusion of marginal communities. He has consulted for a number of organizations including Spatial Solutions, National Population Council and Spatial Dimensions. Email:

James A. Akanig-ba, Kumbungu Senior High School

James A. Akanig-ba is currently a Tutor at the Kumbungu Senior High School in Northern Region, Ghana and doubles up as the Sports Master. He earned a B.A. degree in Development Communication from the University for Development Studies, Tamale and an MSc Development Policy and Planning from the Department of Planning, KNUST, Kumasi. His research interests include Disability, Rural Development and Communication Studies. Email:

How to Cite
Owusu-Ansah , J. K., & Akanig-ba, J. A. (2022). Access to healthcare services by the mobility impaired: Structural obstacles and experiences in Tamale, Northern Ghana. Journal of Science and Technology, 39(1,2), 56-71.,2.1239
Original Research