Reliability in Cumulative Examination Marks

  • E.A. Jackson
Keywords: Reliability, True Mark, Courses, Variability


This paper finds the reliability of the average of examination marks, calculated to two decimal places, as a criterion for the ranking and classification of students. The marks are in percentages, and the paper examines the importance of a difference of one point in the unit, the first or the second decimal place. It is seen from the reliability in marking, even the mathematical courses, that the probability of obtaining a re-liable percentage average calculated to one or two decimal places is very low . Thus it is only fair to limit the average marks calculated only up to the units.

Author Biography

E.A. Jackson

Department of Electrical/ Electronic Engineering 

University of Science and Technology 

Kumasi, Ghana

How to Cite
Jackson, E. (2015). Reliability in Cumulative Examination Marks. Journal of Science and Technology, 9(1), 16 - 22.