An Evaluation of the Effects of Certain Pesticides on the Yield and Quality of Tomato (Lycopersicon Esculen-Turn Mill. Cv.Roma) Fruits and Seeds

  • Nana Sakyiwa Olympio
Keywords: Fungicides, Insecticides, Tomato, Fruit, Seed, Yield


Studies on the influence of four fungicides and two insecticides on the yield and quality of fruits and seeds from treated tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum MiII.CV. Roma) mother plants were conducted at the Department of Horticulture, University of Science and Technology,' Kumasi. The fungicides, Dithane M45, Orthodifolatan 8OWP, Benlate, and Macuprax and the insecticides, Vetox and Azodrin were sprayed on tomato plants ten days after trans-planting and repeated at ten days intervals for six weeks at recommended rates. The results indicated that some fungicides and insecticides had significant effects on the total nu tuber and weight of fruits produced, the marketable fruit number and weight, and the acidity of the fruits. All treatments, however, had no effect on the pH of the juice, the shelf life, nor the seed yield, size or quality as shown by the 1,000 seed weight and the seed-ling evaluation tests.

How to Cite
Olympio, N. S. (2016). An Evaluation of the Effects of Certain Pesticides on the Yield and Quality of Tomato (Lycopersicon Esculen-Turn Mill. Cv.Roma) Fruits and Seeds . Journal of Science and Technology, 10(3), 108- 114.