Pyroelecticity in cadmium Zinc telluride.

  • Robert K. Nkum
Keywords: Polarization, Pyroelectricity, Ferrolectricity


The dynamic method has been used to study pyroelectricity in Cd0.9  Zn0.1,Te. Transient cur-rents produced in a single crystal of Cd0.9  Zn0.1,Te when subjected to flashes of light are shown to be pyroelectric in origin. The pyroelectric cur-rent was found to increase with temperature until it reached a peak and dropped beyond the transition temperature which was found to be 1 1 8°C. This is the first time that pyroelectricity is reported in a material that crystallizes in the zinc blende configuration in the first approximation.

How to Cite
Nkum, R. K. (2016). Pyroelecticity in cadmium Zinc telluride. Journal of Science and Technology, 11(1), 43- 46.