Temperature Dependence of Zinc Sorption by Goethite

  • A.B. Ankomah
Keywords: enthalpy, entropy, goethite, isosteric heats, sorption., zinc


Sorption of Zn by synthetic goethite [surface area 95.2m2 g-', pH(ZPC) 7.9] was studied in equilibrium conditions as functions of temperature and pH. Two sets of isotherms of Zn sorption by goethite were conducted at 25°C and 44°C, each at pH 5.4, 6.2, 7.0 and .5. At each pH level, the initial Zn concentration ranged from 0.025 to 7.0 mg Zn (i.e., from 3.82 x 101 to 1-.07 x 104 mol Zn Zinc sorption by goethite increased with an increase in both temperature and pH. The maximum Zn sorption experimentally achieved at 25°C at pH 5.4, 82, 7.0 and 8.5 were, respectively, 14, 54, 185 and 370 umol Zn g'. Sorption of Zn was markedly endothermic at all pH levels, and the temperature-induced increase in sorption was generally most pronounced at low pH and high:syst_Am loadings. Mean i&G"values ranged from -47 kJ mot' at pH 8.5 to -38 kJ mot' at pH5.4;from27 kJ riot' at pH 8.5 to 61 kJ mot' at pH 5.4; and A..S" from 242 J mot' deg -' at pH 8.5 to 322 J mot' deg, at pH 5.4. lsosteric heats of Zn sorption, Q,, ranged from 4 to 113 kJ mot', and were generally higher at low pH than high pH.

How to Cite
Ankomah, A. (2016). Temperature Dependence of Zinc Sorption by Goethite. Journal of Science and Technology, 11(1), 13- 19. https://doi.org/10.4314/just.v11i1.1058