Investigation into Phase Change In Al203 and Si02 Equivalent Ratio Variation in Vitreous State

  • C.N.K Kokoroko
Keywords: Crystals, glazes, phase


Phase change phenomena in vitreous state were investigated in a series of glazes composed in accordance with the Zeger formula. The formulated glazes had their bases kept constant while the equivalents of AI203, and Si02 were varied. Examination revealed that development of liquid and crystals from the minerals composing the glazes caused two observed phases of matiness (the result of the development of minute and regularly dispersed crystals of CaAI2, Si2s, ZnAl2, and Sio2) and glossiness (the result of the development of liquid which solidified into glass on cooling.)

How to Cite
Kokoroko, C. (2016). Investigation into Phase Change In Al203 and Si02 Equivalent Ratio Variation in Vitreous State . Journal of Science and Technology, 12(2), 60- 66.