Dr. John Tennyson Afele

Part Time Lecturer

Dept: Agroforestry
Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources
KNUST, Kumasi

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Research Areas/Interests

Climate change and sustainable agriculture, Farmer livelihood and rural development, on-farm carbon storage, Food systems and Agroecology. ...~more



    Afele, J. T., Agbenyega, O., Barnes, V. R., Amisah, S., Plauborg, F., Pedersen, M.S., Berg, R.T., Anokye, J., Asante, R., Opoku, S., Nimo, E., & Dawoe, E. (2024). Ghana’s Cocoa; Farmers’ perceptions of climate change and its effects on yield and livelihood. Green and low carbon economy. https://doi.org/10.47852/bonviewGLCE42023218

    Asante, R., Pedersen, S. M., Berg, T. R., Agbenyega, O., Amisah, S., Barnes, V. R., Ayesu, S., Opoku, S. Y., Afele, J. T., & Anokye, J. (2024). Evaluating the Resilience of the Cocoa Agroecosystem in the Offinso Municipal and Adansi North Districts of Ghana. Applied Sciences, 14(18), 8170. https://doi.org/10.3390/app14188170

    Anokye, J., Abunyewa, A.A., Jorgesen, U., Kaba., S.J., Twum-Ampofo, K., Dawoe, E., Barnes, V.R., Plauborg, F., Pedersen, M.S., Berg, R.T., Agbenyega, O., Amisah, S., J.T., Opoku, Y.S., Asante, R. & Ulzen. J. (2024). Mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through shade systems and climate-smart soil fertility interventions in cocoa landscapes in the Semi-deciduous ecological zone of Ghana. Soil Advances. 100001. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soilad.2024.10001

    Afele, J. T., Agbenyega, O., Barnes, V. R., Amisah, S., Acheampong, E., Owusu, V., Anokye, J., Asante, R., Opoku, S., Laten, E., & Danquah, E. (2024). Understanding and addressing climate change impacts on cocoa farming in Ghana. Environmental Challenges, 14, p 1-10.

    Quainoo-Mensah, F., Afele, J. , & Gorleku, D. (2023). Cocoa agroforestry systems and yield dynamics within the Offinso Municipality of Ghana. Pelita Perkebunan (a Coffee and Cocoa Research Journal)39(2), 129-140.

    Afele, J.T., Ansah, E.G, Nimo, E., Blankson, S.S., Gorleku, D.O., Tieku, E.T, Osei, H, M., & Babatunde, O. R. (2022). COVID-19, Agriculture and Food Security in Ghana; The Way Forward. Ghana Journal of Science, Technology and Development, 8(2), 147-159.

     Osman, N., Afele, J.T., Nimo, E., Gorleku, O.D., Ofori, L.A. and Abunyewa, A.A. (2022). Assessing the impact of illegal small-scale mining (Galamsey) on cocoa farming and on farmer livelihood: A case study in the Amansie West District of Ghana. Cocoa and Coffee Journal. Vol 38(1), 70-82

    Abban, K.E., Agbenyega, O., Asmah, R, Afele, J.T., Ofori, L.A. and Nimo, E. (2022). Assessment of social acceptance of caged fish culture for improvement and sustainability: A study on Volta Lake, Ghana. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation.Vol 3(2), 277-282.

    Gorleku, O. D., Badu, A.P.G., Afele, J.T., Kaba, S.J and Abunyewa. A.A. (2022). Assessing the efficiency of Moringa Oleifera leaf meal on the growth performance of broiler chicken. Journal of Applied life Sciences and Environment. Issue 4 (188), 370-376

    Afele, J.T., Nimo, E., Basit, L. and Afele, K. I. (2022). Deforestation in Ghana: Evidence from selected Forest Reserves across six ecological zones. International Journal of Forest, Animal and Fisheries Research. Vol 6(1), 7-17

    Ofori, L. A., Nimo, E., Afele, J.T and Agbenyega, O. (2022). Integrating Cashew (Anarcadium occidentale) with Food Crops; Perceptions of Farmers at Amoma, in the Kintampo South District of the Bono East Region of Ghana. Journal of Applied Life Sciences and Environment. Issue 37(187), 241-252

    Afele, J.T., Dawoe, E., Abunyewa, A. A., Afari-Sefa, V. and Asare, R. (2021). Carbon storage in cocoa growing systems across different agroecological zones in Ghana. Pelita Perkabunan (Cocoa and Coffee Journal). Vol 37(1), 32-49

    Nimo, E., Dawoe, E. and Afele, J.T. (2021). A Comparative Study of Carbon Storage in Two Cocoa Shade-Types and a Teak Plantation in the Moist Semi-deciduous Forest Zone of Ghana. Pelita Perkabunan (Cocoa and Coffee Journal). Vol 37(1), 50-61



    Afele, J.T. (2024). Ghana’s forests are being wiped out: what’s behind this and why attempts to stop it aren’t working. The Conversation Africa, Available at https://theconversation.com/ghanas-forests-are-being-wiped-out-whats-behind-this-and-why-attempts-to-stop-it-arent-working-229739



    Adeyiga, G.K., Akpalu, E. S., Ayaga, B.A., Afele, J.T. Smith-Dumount, E., Pegella, T., Akunyegra, E.A., Attim, P., Adombire., Frimpong, S., Bourne. M.S. (2021). Common Trees and Shrubs of Northern Ghana – Volume 1. CSIR - Forestry Research Institute of Ghana. 1- 232.


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