
Delonix regia

(Flamboyant Tree)

(Image of Delonix regia)

Botanical/Scientific Name:

Delonix regia

Common Name:

Flamboyant Tree

Family Name:




Location on campus:

Medical School

Local Name:


Delonix regia tropical deciduous tree that can grow up to 12 meters tall with a spreading canopy and has bright red-orange or yellow flowers in the shape of a bird's beak. It has a thick trunk with grey bark that becomes increasingly ridged and gnarled as the tree ages. The leaves are fern-like, compound, and arranged alternately along the branches. The fragrant flowers are large and flamboyant, with brilliant red or orange petals and long stamens that create a striking contrast against the green foliage. The flowers typically bloom in the late spring to early summer, and the fruit is a long, flat, dark brown pod that contains large black seeds.

Ornamental Value:

Delonix regia is used for beautification because of its spectacular display of bright red or yellow flowers during the dry season. It is commonly planted in gardens, parks, and along the streets.

Medicinal Value:

Delonix regia is used to treat various conditions such as fever, respiratory disorders, malaria and skin irritations.

Economic Importance: